Z Chart
Goalie Scouting Report
Goalie Scouting reports! For one player on each team, they use three dice for each of their shots and the shooter can choose which two dice to use. Each coach rolls a 20-sided die to determine their player on the gamesheet affected. Rolls of 19 or 20 are 'roll again'.
Bench clearing brawl immediately breaks out.
Psychic Fair
Psychic Fair in town. One team (odd roll: visiting team, even roll: home team) gets to take the next split deck card and look at it and put it aside. At a time that this team is to flip a split deck card during this game, the coach may play the psychic card instead of flipping the next one on the deck. However, this psychic card may not be used for reference to the injury section or to use the top number in a goal-scoring situation.
Bench clearing brawl immediately breaks out.
Bad Ice
Bad ice develops. For the remainder of the game and the next game held at this arena, all penetration spreads are reduced by two (2). In addition, all passing attempts using the split deck are affected. Passes while on the power play read ‘against-Even’ and passes while even strength read 'against-PP'.
Player becomes a hypochondriac. Before every game for a set period of time, player must roll two 6-sided dice. A roll of 7 indicates that the player feels ill and may not play that game. Use the Z-Chart Player Identifier Process to determine the player affected. Roll two six-sided dice to determine the length of this condition (only valid during regular season games).
Family Tragedy
Player has a family tragedy and is subsequently has a temporary lapse of behaviours that impact his playing ability. For this player, randomly increase or decrease the following player attributes: - Offense up 1 to a max of 4 or down one to a min of 1 or stay status quo - Defense up 1 to a max of 5 or down 1 to a min of 1 or stay status quo - intimidation up 4 to a max of 14 or down 4 to a min of 0 or stay status quo. Use the Z-Chart Player Identifier Process to determine the player affected. Roll again if a goaltender is determined to be the affected player. Also, roll two-six-sided dice to determine the number of games for which these changes are in effect. Only valid during regular season games.
Bench clearing brawl immediately breaks out.
Bobble Head Night
It's Bobblehead Night for one-player on the home team. The home coach rolls a 20-sided die to determine the player from the gamesheet (19 & 20 are roll again). For the remainder of this game, this player is eligible to play an extra even- strength shift, and must play the most shifts possible (including PP & SH). When this player has the puck in the offensive zone, they must always choose to shoot or penetrate when given the opportunity.
Hyperbolic Bubble
Hyperbolic Bubble - One team rents an oxygen chamber which drastically reduces the duration of all future injuries by a factor of 1, to a minimum of "Remainder of Period". To determine the team, roll one die. Odd = Home team. Even = Visiting team. Due to the limited amount of oxygen available, roll one die to determine the number of uses this chamber can accommodate. This chamber is tradable.
Extra Incentives
Team gets extra incentives (GM chooses any two of those not already taken this season). Roll one 6-sided die to determine which team. Odd=visiting team, Even=home team.
Puck Injures Bench
Puck goes flying into bench and seriously injures the player's head (remainder + 2 additional games). Use the Z- Chart Player Identifier Process to determine the player affected. However, if this results in a player on the ice, then that player's coach is injured. An injured coach may not match lines when home; both teams must present lines at the same time. No substitutions are allowed except for injuries, exhaustion, penalties or line changes. Face-off men can only be changed if thrown out of face off (pulling back). Players cannot be changed to best of their ability after penalties or rearranges at a stoppage. All bench penalties, 20 chart 'Visitor' penalties become bench penalties against injured coach, (unless they own the Bench coach incentive - then play as no Bench coach).
Z-Chart Immunity
Z-Chart Immunity. One team earns the ability to nullify the effects of a subsequent Z-Chart reference of its choice against itself and/or it's players. The Immunity does not expire, but can only be used once. It cannot be used to overturn the effects of a previous Z-chart reference. To determine the team, roll one die. Odd = home team. Even = visiting team. This benefit is tradable.
Goal Under Review
The next goal goes under review. Upon the scoring of the next goal in that game, each team rolls one die (roll again if tied). The higher roll gets to state whether the goal counts or not.
Player Strike
Player strike - roll the 20-sided dice to determine the number of games for the length of the strike...all current injuries progress (as per byes in the playoffs)...and current suspensions are cut in half.
Timer Has To Leave
Game-Timer with after game commitment. For each full shift left in the game, remove one action card.
Scoreboard falls
Scoreboard at current home team falls before next scheduled home game. The next three home games are changed to road games.
Bad Timer
Distracted Game-Timer. For each full shift left in the game, add one extra action card.
Bench clearing brawl immediately breaks out.
Bench clearing brawl
Bench clearing brawl immediately breaks out.
Shooter Scouting Report
Shooter Scouting reports! For one player on each team, they use three dice for each of their shots and the OPPONENT can choose which two dice to use. Each coach rolls a 20-sided die to determine their player on the gamesheet affected. Rolls of 19 or 20 are 'roll again'.
Extra Training
A player's training allows that player to play extra positions. A forward would then be able to play ANY forward position. A defenseman would then be able to play either defense position. Use the Z-Chart Player Identifier Process to determine the player affected. Roll again if a goaltender is determined to be the affected player. Roll two six-sided dice to determine the number of games for which this bonus is valid. Only valid during regular season games.
Twitter Controversy
Game becomes chippy after a controversial tweet on Twitter. All penalty references 7-10 are read as 8-11 respectively. Also, all Penalty ratings go up one for the remainder of the game.
Two player collision
Two players collide during a play. Draw the next two split deck cards to determine the injuries. However, the minimum duration of injury is ?remainder of game?.
Referee Bias
Referee bias occurs in favour of one team. For the remainder of the game, all Action Cards with 'Opponent Defense 7-10' references for the favoured team become 'Opponent Defense 8-11'. For the opposition, all 'Possible Breakaways' are immediately called 'off-side' with a face-off at center ice. Roll one 6-sided die to determine the 'favoured team'. Odd=visiting team, Even=home team.
Car Accident
Following the game, player gets into a serious car accident and injures every part of his body (injury factor is day-to- day for each part). Use the Z-Chart Player Identifier Process to determine the player affected.
Deja-vu!' Shuffle all the split deck cards and randomly choose 10. For the remainder of the game, ONLY use these 10 cards.