Brief Description
10-Game Minimum
The minimum playing requirement for all skaters is reduced to 10 games for the current season.

Clean Hit Training
The team with this incentive receives 3 chips every game that gives their players a chance to mitigate their chance of a penalty during an intimidation. Before an intimidation attempt, the coach declares that they are using a Clean Hit Chip. If the result of the intimidation is a 'Possible Penalty', then a value of 3 is added to their Penalty Parameter Line to a maximum of 18. Chips cannot be combined.
Extended Roster
The team\'s roster may include 29 players to start the season
Extra Cage
The team receives an extra Cage for the current season.
Face Off Coach
The team with this incentive receives 3 chips every game that allows them to declare, before a face-off, a +1 on any centerman when the chip is played. The chips can also be stacked to use them all on the same play, if so desired. If a player is tossed from the face-off after a chip is declared, then that bonus does not carry forward to the replacement centerman, but additional chips can be played if the team has any remaining.
Four Goalies
The team\'s roster may include four goaltenders to start the season. This incentive does not permit the team to exceed the 27-player limit without the addition of the Scout incentive.
Goalie Endurance
The team with this incentive will, for each of its goaltenders with a Consecutive Appearances Rating of 2 or more, Increase their Consecutive Appearances Rating by 1, and Increase their NHL game totals by three (3) games.
Intimidation Boost
The team with this incentive receives 6 chips every game that allows them to declare, before an intimidation attempt, an increase of 1 to their Intimidation value for every chip declared on the attempt, to a maximum Intimidation value of 15. If the Shadow is on the ice and is involved in the intimidation attempt, then the defending coach must declare how many chips each intimidator is receiving.
All suspensions are eliminated for the current season, including playoffs. In addition, if a team retains this incentive for an entire playing season, then that team will have all its Police Involvement removed for each player on its roster after the completion of the Benko Cup.

Nobody beats the Vis
Any \'VIS\' penalties from the Secondary Penalty Chart are ignored for the season and playoffs.
Penalty Killing Coach
Each game for the season and playoffs, a player (which may be different each game) may be designated as a Penalty Killing Specialist. A \'PK\' is marked by this player\'s name on the score sheet. If the player is a defenseman, he may play, at most, three even-strength shifts, but may play every short-handed situation at a defenseman\'s position. If the player is a forward, he may play, at most, two even-strength shifts, but may play every short-handed situation. This player may play, at most, one even-strength shift during each overtime period.
The team acquires three (3) physio sessions. Each session reduces a player's Body Part Injury Accumulation Total by 1. This can be applied to any carry-over or current season injuries. Sessions can not be applied during gameplay nor can be used to reduce existing injuries. This physiotherapist can be traded, but not individual sessions. All remaining sessions must be traded with the therapist.

Power Play Coach
Each game for the season and playoffs, a player (which may be different each game) may be designated as a \'Powerplay Specialist\'. A \'PP\' is marked by this player\'s name on the score sheet. If the player is a defenseman, he may play, at most, three even-strength shifts, but may play every powerplay situation at a defenseman\'s position. If the player is a forward, and has 2 stars (**). He may play, at most, two even-strength shifts but may play every powerplay situation. If the player has only one star (*), he must alternate between a forward and defensive position each successive powerplay opportunity played. This player may play, at most, one even-strength shift during each overtime period.

For every game during the season and playoffs, one designated player, while intimidating in shorthanded situations, successfully takes away the puck when the result of the Split Deck Card is PP-16, in addition to their existing intimidation rating.

Pugilist Coach
For every fight during the season and playoffs, one designated player gets a bonus roll added to his total after every roll of ?6?

Racous Crowd
Nullifies their opponents in-game incentives during home games only. It affects the Pugilist, the FO+, the PP Specialist, the PK Specialist, Nobody Beats the Vis, 7-forwards, and the PP16.
Seven Forwards
Team may play 7 forwards, 4 shifts in regulation time

Skater Endurance
The team with this incentive may designate one of their players at the beginning of the season with the following Increase their NHL game totals by 3 games. Increase their maximum playoff games by 2 games.

The Deferral
The team with this incentive can defer their incentive selection to any time during the remainder of the season, including playoffs. The team can only choose from those incentives remaining and they cannot declare their selection 'in game'.

The Prenup
The team with this incentive can opt to drop any players from their roster. The drop can only occur once and must be done before the trading deadline. Any dropped players will be included in the following season's waiver draft.

The team with this incentive may, for every Day-to-Day injury during the regular season and playoffs, attempt two rolls per column on the Day-to-Day Chart.
Waiver Wire
The team with this incentive may drop any player from the current roster and replace them with any undrafted/unretained player from the draft pool. If used, this incentive must be selected before the trading deadline. This new player must still meet their team’s playing requirements.